Friday, 18 June 2021

Cops Cop Cl0p Ransomware Gang (or Maybe Not?) - Security Boulevard

Just the Monkeys, not the Organ Grinders? The National Police of Ukraine is crowing about arresting alleged ransomware scrotes from the Clop gang (styled as Cl0p). With the help of Interpol and law-enforcement from South Korea and the U.S., the Ukrainian cops raided 21 addresses and seized the big three: cash, cars and computers.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Teamsters doesn’t pay ransom. Should you? It’s not rocket science - TechBeacon

But 2019 was a long time ago: It’s emerged that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters was attacked by ransomware scrotes in 2019. Despite advice from the FBI, the union didn’t pay a penny in ransom—and certainly not the $2.5 million asking price.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Microsoft’s Legal Head: U.S. must Stop Secret Gag Orders - Security Boulevard

President Speaks Unto President: BradSmith, Microsoft president and CLO, says law enforcement’s bad habit has to be broken: Secretly subpoenaing data from cloud providers—blocking them from telling customers—is undemocratic, and hurts international relationships, he argues.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Who, Us? Linux Root Bug Quietly Added 7 Years Ago - Security Boulevard

Linux Lovers, Look the Other Way A nasty vulnerability in most Linux distributions is raising eyebrows among the penguinistas. A simple unchecked error in the polkit component can let a user get root with just a couple of commands.