Friday, 25 June 2010

Friday Finally: don't cross the memes!

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Happy Friday, everyone. In each day's IT Blogwatch post, I add an And Finally link: something from the internets that's funny or weird enough to warrant your valuable attention. It's Friday, so here's five extra helpings of And Finally goodness...

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Thursday, 24 June 2010

iPhone 4 early adopters: just beta testers for Apple?

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

It's the official Apple iPhone 4 release date and already the problem reports are rife. Some users are wondering if they're little more than beta testers for Steve Jobs. Antenna problems, yellow spots, and scratched/broken screens make for unhappy fanbois, it would appear...

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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

iOS 4 "kills" Ford SYNC (iPhone OS 4.0 problem solved)

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Monday's launch of iOS 4 seems to have caused some hair-pulling for Ford SYNC users. Yesterday's IT Blogwatch was something of a lightning rod for discussion about the issue. Read on for the solution (hopefully) to this iPhone OS 4.0 issue...

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More on Microsoft IT using L2 SAS DAS for Exchange

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

This is a followup post to last week's series about how Microsoft IT built an unusual Exchange message store architecture. Some folks are assuming that the SAS -- serial attached SCSI -- drives referred to in the first post are the relatively expensive, 2.5" 15K RPM type. They're not...

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Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Did Bob Parsons get a Sex Change?

GoDaddy iz in ur inboxen, pimpin ur domanez... Wait, what?

Update: hello visitors from GoDaddy. Hope you can see the funny side ;-)

Bonus screenshot: Mozy 2.0 seems a tiny bit confused about how much it's got backed up (after I changed motherboards without reinstalling Windows)...

There's more of this sort of stupidity every weekday in the And Finally section of my Computerworld IT Blogwatch thing, and in last week's Friday Finally.