Friday, 18 June 2010

Finally: vuvuzela rap, ironic 'shop, iPad fanboi baiting, beatboxing and more...

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Happy Friday, everyone. In each day's IT Blogwatch, post, I add an And Finally link: something from the internets that's funny or weird enough to warrant your valuable attention. This week, my cup overfloweth with linky treats, so here's five extra helpings of And Finally goodness...

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Thursday, 17 June 2010

Part 3: internal MS Exchange plan: tape-free backup

Richi Jennings's picture   The Long View (Computerworld)

Got Microsoft Exchange? Earlier, I started talking about how, at its Tech-Ed IT-fest, Microsoft last week offered some fascinating insights into its internal use of Exchange. Today, I'll talk about how Microsoft IT has ditched traditional tape-based backup, in favor of cheap disk arrays...

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Wednesday, 16 June 2010

New AT&T privacy pratfall: now it's Apple iPhone 4 pre-order process

Richi Jennings's picture   IT Blogwatch (Computerworld)

Good grief. Coming hard on the heels of AT&T's email address leak, the wireless carrier is embroiled in another privacy flap. This time, iPhone 4 upgraders can see other users' account details. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers roll their eyes and scream. Not to mention
(T) (AAPL)

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Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Part 2: more MS Exchange surprising storage secrets

Got Microsoft Exchange? Earlier, I started talking about how, at its Tech-Ed IT-fest, Microsoft last week offered some fascinating insights into its internal use of Exchange. Today, I'll talk about how Microsoft IT has ditched traditional high availability: using no RAID or clustering...

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Monday, 14 June 2010

Amazing Exchange storage design... by Microsoft IT

Got Microsoft Exchange Server in your shop? Well listen up: last week, at its Tech-Ed IT fest, Microsoft offered some fascinating insights into its internal use of Exchange. Notably, from a storage and high-availability perspective. Microsoft IT's 'dogfood' projects often have important lessons for other users of the company's products, and Exchange is no exception. Read on to learn more...

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